👍 Sublime Text v4.0(4186)中文破解版 超棒的代码编辑器

Sublime Text 4 Mac 破解是一款深受用户喜爱的高级代码编辑器,这款软件体积小但是运行速度确实超乎想象的快速,文本编辑功能非常的强大。同时Sublime Text 4 for Mac还支持多种编程语言,非常多的插件可以安装,是一款非常优秀的代码编辑软件。

👍 Sublime Text v4.0(4148)中文破解版 超棒的代码编辑器


Sublime Text 是一个代码编辑器.也是HTML和散文先进的文本编辑器。漂亮的用户界面和非凡的功能,例如迷你地图,多选择,Python的插件,代码段,等等。完全可自定义键绑定,菜单和工具栏。
Sublime Text的主要功能包括:拼写检查,书签,完整的 Python API , Goto 功能,即时项目切换,多选择,多窗口等等



sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /Applications/host防验证工具.app

‘安装完之后打开Sublime Text软件提示已损坏,无法打开怎么办?


sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /Applications/Sublime\ Text.app

👍 Sublime Text v4.0(4148)中文破解版 超棒的代码编辑器


  • 按下快捷键组合 command + shift + p,打开 “Command Palette” 悬浮对话框,输入 Install Package Control,耐心等待安装完成(国内用户可能会有点慢,耐心等待)。
  • 按下快捷键组合 command + shift + p,输入 install, 然后点击 Package Control: Install Package,耐心等待弹出插件搜索窗口。

👍 Sublime Text v4.0(4148)中文破解版 超棒的代码编辑器




ChineseLocalizations —— 中文汉化包
Emmet(原名 Zen Coding)——快速编写html/css的方法
ConvertToUTF-8 ——解决乱码问题
AutoPrefixer ——css3前缀自动添加插件
JS Fromat —— 格式化JS
Sublime CodeIntel——代码自动提示
Keymaps ——快捷键查找等

👍 Sublime Text v4.0(4148)中文破解版 超棒的代码编辑器


vBuild 4121 - 2021.10.26
  • New update dialog that shows versions, license status and links to the changelog
  • Various syntax highlighting improvements
  • Use goto-symbol to jump to specific files in find results
  • Improved color scheme/theme selection UI
  • Layout is no longer remembered when “hot_exit” is disabled. You can change this using “remember_layout”
  • Right-delete now respects “use_tab_stops” setting
  • Various improvements to behavior of moving sheets during window layout changes
  • Improved mini-diff and white space rendering performance under OpenGL
  • Improved performance when reading large files from stdin
  • Fixed regex replace not working on last occurrence when using look-behind
  • Fixed “save_on_focus_lost” not working as expected with the reload dialog
  • Fixed open files not being added to recent file list when “hot_exit” is disabled
  • Fixed snippet completions not respecting word boundaries
  • Fixed extra blank window being opened at startup in some cases
  • Fixed not properly exiting after a prompt when “hot_exit” is disabled
  • Fixed window unexpectedly closing when project has no added folders and “close_windows_when_empty” is enabled
  • Fixed tab selection stack not being updated as expected in some cases
  • Fixed transient sheets persisting when exiting goto-anything
  • Fixed squiggle underline width not scaling properly
  • Fixed line highlighting not working when gutter is disabled
  • Fixed case where folders were being added to existing windows instead of opening in a new window
  • Fixed performance regression under Windows with non-integer DPI scaling
  • Fixed syntax highlighting backtracking-related performance problem
  • Undo stack is now cleared when reading from stdin
  • Added Selection > Expand Selection to Block which has the same behavior as Expand Selection to Paragraph had previously
  • “open_files_in_new_window” is now respected when reading from stdin
  • Added “find_scroll_highlights_limit”, “find_highlight_matches_max_size” and “find_regex_highlight_matches_max_size” settings to allow configuring find limits
  • Added newline detection and normalization when changing settings programmatically
  • Sublime Merge menu items are hidden when “sublime_merge_path” is set to null
  • Fixed wrong path sometimes being used when viewing file history in Sublime Merge
  • Fixed focus lost when selected group is closed whilst reducing the number of groups
  • File-specific indentation settings are now persisted across restarts
  • Fixed some edge cases related to “find_in_files_max_result_size”
  • Fixed completions in input panel not utilizing available window space
  • Fixed expand selection to tag not working in XML
  • Fixed current transient sheet unexpectedly closing when using goto-anything
  • Fixed crash related to syntax backtracking and phantoms
  • Fixed being unable to open more than one new empty window
  • Linux: Make selection after middle-click paste consistent with other applications
  • Linux: Fixed race condition with multiple simultaneous command line invocations
  • Linux: Fixed custom title bar label color for some GTK themes
  • Windows: Fixed a case where session could be lost when upgrading
  • Windows: Fixed NTFS alternate data streams being deleted on save
  • Windows: Fixed slow window creation when using OpenGL
  • Windows: Fixed incorrect case being used when opening files from find-in-files with gitignore enabled
  • Windows: Fixed stdout/stderr output data race when building
  • Windows: Fixed hang on modal dialogs when context menu is open
  • Mac: Tweaked text drag-drop behavior to respect NSDragAndDropTextDelay
  • Mac: The setting “use_find_clipboard” can be used to disable global find clipboard integration
  • Mac: Fixed double click not working at the top of a window when in full screen with a custom title bar
  • Mac: Fixed incorrectly reporting successful key event when no command was found
  • Mac: Fixed windows not restoring properly with multi-monitor setups
  • Mac: Fixed window layout issue with native tabs when exiting full screen
  • Mac: Fixed title bar text not fading when out of focus
  • Mac: Fixed reading stdin not working when no windows are open
  • API: Fixed plugin popups sometimes having the wrong placement
  • API: Fixed plugins not loading when a .python-version file is in the User package
  • API: Added Buffer.clear_undo_stack()
  • API: Fixed View.show and View.show_at_center not working from on_load callback
vBuild 4120 Dev - 2021.10.25
  • Fixed crash related to syntax backtracking and phantoms
  • Fixed text drag and drop regression
vBuild 4113 - 2021.7.14
  • Improved performance when editing large files
  • Improved OpenGL rendering performance
  • Improved handling of deleted files
  • Various syntax highlighting improvements
  • subl can now be used to edit stdin, eg: echo test | subl | cat
  • Syntax and indentation detection is now done when editing stdin
  • Added syntax_detection_size_limit setting for controlling when syntax detection is skipped
  • Theme: Improved scroll puck visibility
  • Theme: Fixed adaptive theme not respecting themed_title_bar setting with light color schemes
  • Middle clicking in the Open Files section of then sidebar will close the clicked on file
  • Preserve Case now works with unicode characters
  • Added reveal_menu setting for disabling revealing the menu when alt is pressed on Linux and Windows
  • Safe Mode key binding can be disabled by creating a file named .Disable Safe Mode Shortcut in the data directory
  • Fixed Ruby syntax highlighting in the Monokai color scheme
  • Fixed a scenario where folders weren’t being watched for changes
  • Fixed underlines being drawn behind line highlight
  • Fixed an infinite loop that could occur during syntax highlighting
  • Fixed the append command’s scroll_to_end parameter sometimes not working
  • Fixed Goto Symbol sometimes being scrolled incorrectly
  • Fixed multi-select file limit applying to sidebar
  • Fixed auto-complete related hang in some large files
  • Linux: Fixed print sometimes not working
  • Linux: Fixed wrong order of yes/no buttons in GTK dialogs
  • Linux: Fixed letters sometimes being cut off
  • Windows: Always make a new window when launching main executable on Windows
  • Windows: Fixed window icon not scaling properly on Windows
  • Windows: Fixed globs not being expanded in some cases on Windows
  • Mac: Fixed auto theme not changing with OS auto theme on macOS



