马克喵搜集到的Sketch(App Store 精华) 是最强大的移动应用矢量绘图设计工具,Sketch 的优点在于使用简单,学习曲线低,并且功能更加强大易用。能够大大节省设计师的时间和工作量,非常适合进行网站设计、移动应用设计、图标设计等。
Sketch 闪退崩溃有以下几种可能:
1、如果是 ARM M1
2、如果装了 插件
,基本上可以断定是某个插件不兼容 Sketch 新版本导致的(Sketch 更新了,但是插件没有及时适配),把插件全部卸载,然后再把 Sketch 卸载干净,重新安装。安装后一个插件一个插件的试,看看是哪个插件引起的闪退。
3、74/74.1/75 破解版支持 macOS 12 Beta
Sketch 是最强大的移动应用矢量绘图设计工具,对于网页设计和移动设计者来说,比PhotoShop好用N倍!尤其是在移动应用设计方面,Sketch 的优点在于使用简单,学习曲线低,并且功能更加强大易用,支持自动切图,并且具有移动设计模板,能够大大节省设计师的时间和工作量,非常适合进行网站设计、移动应用设计、图标设计等。
将公共模块创建成组,转化为符号(Convert to Symbol),即可随时随地重复调用。当你编辑该符号时,会立即同步到其他调用的副本上去。无需从头到尾重复操作,大大减少了设计师的工作量。
连接你的手机或平板电脑,使用Sketch Mirror在不同设备上实时查看你的设计效果。
v83.1 - 2022.03.01
v81 - 2021.12.15
When you create your first prototype link in a document, we’ll now mark that Artboard as a Start Point, so you can easily play it in the web app.
You can now designate an Artboard as a start point for a Prototype through the Inspector by toggling the Set as prototype start point checkbox.
We’ve improved the way Sketch draws rounded corners on curved sections of a path.
We removed the checkbox about sharing usage analytics in Sketch because we stopped collecting this information altogether.
You can now upload a local Sketch document to your Workspace from the Recent Documents tab in the Workspace window by dragging it into a Project.
We’ve made it easier to share a prototype from local documents. Now, when you share your prototype, you’ll be prompted to save it to your Workspace so you can easily share it with everyone you need.
v80 - 2021.11.23
在检查器中键入新位置或尺寸时,您现在可以使用运算符 w、h、x 和 y 作为所选元素的宽度、高度、X 和 Y 的替代值。尝试将矩形的高度设置为 w 以快速使其成为正方形。这些运算符也适用于数学;尝试将宽度设置为 2 * w 以将图层的当前宽度加倍。
Alpha 蒙版现在将匹配您在“画布”中使用的比例和缩放值——以及导出时。
我们改进了打开 Workspace 文档时显示进度更新的方式。
修复了一个错误,如果某些文档保存在较旧版本的 Mac 应用程序中,则该错误可能导致某些文档无法在 Mac 应用程序中打开。
修复了在 macOS Monterey 中使用深色模式时,深色文本样式可能在组件弹出窗口中以浅色背景显示为浅色文本的错误。
修复了如果在系统偏好设置中启用了实时文本功能,则无法在 macOS Monterey 中预览原型的错误。
修复了在某些情况下可能将现有 Symbol 实例标记为“缺失”的错误。
v78.1 fixed - 2021.10.30
Fixes a crash that could occur if a layer used as a mask had an effectively zero size.
Fixes a bug where you were able to move locked Layers with the mouse when they were selected.
Fixes a bug where copying CSS attributes for gradient points would list them in the wrong order.
Fixes a crash that could occur with frequent Canvas refreshes, such as zooming in and out of a document repeatedly.
Fixes a bug where fonts might not embed at all if you embedded one font after the other too quickly.
Fixes a bug where grouped layers using inner shadows could render incorrectly.
Fixes a bug where doing Select All with a multi-selection across different groups would end up selecting more elements than expected.
Fixes a bug that could cause the Mac app to hang when trying to load a long list of overrides on some Macs.
Fixes a bug that would prevent you from dragging an export preview from the Inspector when its name contained a backslash.
Fixes a bug where an image fill could display incorrectly if you had previously reduced its size.
Fixes a bug that could cut off the Color Popover in the Inspector when opening it close to the bottom of the screen.
Fixes a bug where toolbar spacing distribution was not correctly maintained when you hid the Layer List.
Fixes a bug that could cause the Fonts tab in the Documents Settings window to not update reliably.
Fixes a few bugs where copying CSS attributes could result in styles being copied with the wrong alpha values.
Fixes a bug where using the Zoom to Artboard command (or ⌘4) could change a layer’s opacity if you were selecting a layer outside of an Artboard.
Fixes an issue where, when exporting a slice with a prefix from the Layer List, the prefix would be applied as a suffix instead.
Fixes a bug that could cause emojis within text layers to disappear if you applied a non-solid color fill (like a gradient) to the text layer.
Fixes a bug where copying CSS attributes of fills that included radial or angular gradients would be incorrect.
v78.1 - 2021.10.20
Fixes a possible crash when using OpenType features on macOS Monterey.
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